An invisible breath moves my world. Outside my studio window the clouds move across the
sky, my garden
dances to a mysterious rhythm, and the water surface on the bird bath ripples.
The Aira series, created with oil stick scribbles like a gesture drawing, captures
impressions of my continuing fascination with mystery, movement, energy, and light.
(selected work)
For many years I have driven from Woodstock to Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre on my
favourite back roads. Ingersoll Commute is a series of paintings created from memories and
impressions of moving through that space. Rather than seek the specifics of any one view or
place I have let the work lead me to these stored interior landscapes.
My paintings continue to evolve and emerge from the multiple layers of marks, scribbles,
scratches and collage. Although collage is not new to me for this series I have used saved
pieces of past work created during the years of the commute further unearthing memories of
that time and space.
(selected works)
I am fascinated with the experience of the sky and the landscape and how each is affected by
light and colours of the other.
The Sky Over Garden series is created on semi-transparent archival mylar layers. The “sky”
is suspended over the “garden” layer and affects or changes the painted colours on the layer
underneath. I intend the viewer to be drawn into and through the layers and experience this
(select early work)
The photographic gridworks
act as mandalas which visually consolidate the sense of
a structural order in the universe; the sense of a
universal energy field which makes itself visible in
the many patterns found in nature.
Each piece of work is created by the repetition of
2 or 3 individual colour prints. The separate prints
are placed so that the rhythm and pattern which link
them together become more important to the eye than any
individual part.
The natural patterns discovered and/or created
during the making of the photogrids have acted as
resonators that reinforce my connection to the ever
present energy field.