GO FIGURE is the title of this series of work. Many works include another artist`s, Bruce Flowers (R.B. FLOWERS) photos of his work. I`ll give credit to him. The opportunity to use photographic images of Bruce Flower's figurative sculptures opened a new world of exploration for me. I have long admired Bruce's dedication to his work and his mastery of drawing which is clearly evident in his sculptures. His images capture a moment in time but the emotion they express is far from static. This feeling lead me to free them from their fixed position "on the wall" thus having the figures moving, floating, dancing or flying in a mysterious, spiritual or dreamlike plane of existence. As I studied Bruce's images during the months of work I was more and more deeply touched by the human tenderness and caring he expressed. I was inspired to surround his figures with drawings of joyous, angelic moving figures of my own.